Welcome to the Home of Exopolitics
Exopolitics is the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. This website produces exopolitics papers and news using scholarly standards developed by the author from almost two decades of academic research in major U.S. and Australian universities. Information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology is kept secret from the general public, elected political officials & even senior military officials. The supporting evidence is overwhelming in scope and shows that decision making is restricted on a strict 'need to know' basis. The place to begin your exopolitics journey is through the research papers; exopolitical comments and Examiner articles that are periodically published. Two books containing updated versions of study papers with additional new material are now available.
Over 22 million hits since January 2003
Jan 7, 2009 - Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner column launched
Jan 6, 2009 - Exopolitics Journal Humanity's Future as a Galactic Society
Recent Articles
Examiner Article (June 11, 2009) - Kennedy assassination linked to UFOs and CIA - (1100 words)
Examiner Article (June 6, 2009) - SETI Pioneer fails to debunk crop circles as ET messages- (850 words)
Examiner Article (June 5, 2009) - Magnetic field and electric grid collapse – the New Energy imperative - (900 words)
Examiner Article (June 3, 2009) - Renewable energies are lifeline for electric grid collapse during severe solar storms - (1200 words)
Examiner Article (May 31, 2009) - European Exopolitics Summit examines public policy on UFOs & ET life - (350 words)
Examiner Article (May 28, 2009) - Obama review of classified files linked to UFOs - (650 words)
Examiner Article (May 28, 2009) - World renowned physicist challenged over free energy machines - (750 words)
Examiner Article (May 27, 2009) - Kennedy linked US-USSR lunar missions with classified UFO files - (1000 words). Also published in OpEdNews.
Examiner Article (May 25, 2009) - The real Starfleet Academy for diplomatic training for ET contact - (1350 words)
Examiner Article (May 25, 2009) - Cost of electric grid failure from 2012 solar storms avoidable - (1000 words)
Examiner Article (May 22, 2009) - Did President Kennedy meet extraterrestrials? - (1050 words)
Examiner Article (May 20, 2009) - Was President Kennedy given ET UFO message about Cuba? - (750 words)
Examiner Article (May 17, 2009) - Extraterrestrial bases and contact revealed in Italy - (850 words). Also published in UFO Digest and AlienSeekerNews.
Exopolitics Comment #83 - (May 13, 2009) - Misperceptions and fables about Exopolitics - (1600 words)
Examiner Article (May 8, 2009) - Star Trek vs Solar Warden – the real Starfleet - (800 words)
Examiner Article (May 6, 2009) - NASA decline and antigravity space fleet - (800 words)
Examiner Article (May 1, 2009) - Obama’s first 100 days and UFO disclosure - (550 words)
Examiner Article (April 28, 2009) - Obama rejection of Truth Commission linked to UFOs and Cheney? - (800 words)
Examiner Article (April 18, 2009) - British Government secretly studies crop circles & UFO connection - (800 words)
Examiner Article (April 15, 2009) - Reagan records & Space Command antigravity fleet - (1100 words)
Examiner Article (April 12, 2009) - Reagan’s extraterrestrial fixation – will records reveal UFO briefing? - (950 words)
Examiner Article (April 9, 2009) - Cyberspies or solar storms - the real threat to US electrical grid - (900 words)
Examiner Article (April 7, 2009) - UFO mystery solved according to Area 51 workers - (850 words)
Examiner Article (April 4, 2009) - Obama’s zero nuclear weapons speech & extraterrestrial UFOs - (950 words)
Examiner Article (April 2, 2009) - Apollo astronaut joins UFO conference at end of Obama’s first 100 days - (650 words)
Examiner Article (March 30, 2009) - Dulce underground UFO base conference ends - (1000 words)
Examiner Article (March 27, 2009) - Electrical power grid to be blasted by 2012 solar storms - (800 words)
Examiner Article (March 25, 2009) - Obama’s black budget and federal deficit problems - (800 words)
Examiner Article (March 23, 2009) - Kissinger influence on Obama administration & UFO policy - (900 words)
Examiner Article (March 21, 2009) - Whistleblower Protection Act and UFO disclosure - (800 words)
Examiner Article (March 19, 2009) - Cheney assassination unit claim boosts Truth Commission prospects - (750 words)
Examiner Article (March 17, 2009) - United Nations panel discusses extraterrestrial war and peace - (1000 words)
Examiner Article (March 13, 2009) - Exposing U.S. Government Policy on Extraterrestrial Life (600 words)
Examiner Article (March 11, 2009) - UFOs and Obama Memorandum on Scientific Integrity - (600 words)
Examiner Article (March 9, 2009) - Obama takes on the black budget - (700 words)
Examiner Article (March 7, 2009) - Truth Commission petition gives mandate for UFO disclosure - (450 words)
Examiner Article (March 6, 2009) - Will Truth Commission expose 9-11 & UFO secrets? - (900 words)
Examiner Article (March 4, 2009) - Presidential Directive opens door for release of antigravity technology - (850 words)
Examiner Article (March 2, 2009) - UFO Congress dispels doubts about extraterrestrial life - (850 words)
Examiner Article (February 26, 2009) - Obama release of UFO files will prepare humanity for 2012 Solar Waves - (1000 words)
Examiner Article (February 23, 2009) - Can Obama deal with giant hole in Earth's magnetosphere by 2012? - (850 words)
Examiner Article (February 19, 2009) - Clinton on Hollywood, UFOs & ET enemy images - (950 words)
Examiner Article (February 18, 2009) - Are Extraterrestrials the Enemy? - (700 words)
Examiner Article (February 16, 2009) - Canada releases UFO X-Files to the World - (600 words)
Examiner Article (February 13, 2009) - Senate confirmation of Panetta opens door to CIA X-Files - 2/13/09 - (850 words)
Examiner Article (February 11, 2009) - Proposed Truth Commission & 9/11 - (750 words)
Examiner Article (February 9, 2009) - NSC power increases in effort to regain control of X-Files - (700 words)
Examiner Article (February 7, 2009) - Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy - (550 words)
Examiner Article (February 6, 2009) - 55th anniversary of Eisenhower meeting with extraterrestrials? - (750 words)
Examiner Article (February 4, 2009) - Obama’s Chief Technology Officer and the X-Files - (750 words)
Examiner Article (February 2, 2009) - Real X-files hidden as trade secrets - (700 words)
Examiner Article (January 31, 2009) - Obama administration to confront corporations over UFO files - (700 words)
Examiner Article (January 29, 2009) - New Attorney General faces UFO diplomacy dilemma - (600 words)
Examiner Article (January 28, 2009) - Military versus Diplomatic Responses to UFOs - (600 words)
Examiner Article (January 26, 2009) - Podesta influence in Obama White House extends to UFO disclosure (600 words)
Examiner Article (January 24, 2009) - Hillary Clinton favors diplomatic response to extraterrestrial life - (550 words)
Examiner Article (January 22, 2009) - Clinton Confirmation opens door to UFO Files - (500 words)
Examiner Article (January 22, 2009) - UFO files to be released under Obama Open Government Memoranda - (500 words)
Examiner Article (January 20, 2009) - Aloha spirit to inspire President Obama with planetary changes - (700 words)
Examiner Article (January 19, 2009) - Obama Administration first 100 days to promote antigravity technology - (550 words)
Examiner Article (January 18, 2009) - First 100 days of Obama and Life on Mars - (450 words)
Examiner Article (January 16, 2009) - US Navy's X-Files known to Obama's Intelligence Chief - (600 words)
Examiner Article (January 14, 2009) - Briefing Obama on UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life - (550 words)
Examiner Article (January 12, 2009) - Obama’s Hawaiian Holidays and UFOs (600 words)
UFO Digest Article (January 12, 2009) - Diplomatic training for extraterrestrial contact is more than Science Fiction
Examiner Article (January 9, 2009) - Prying open the CIA’s X-Files (500 words)
Examiner Article (January 7, 2009) - Obama’s
choice of CIA Director signals renewed effort to disclose CIA X-Files
(600 words)
Exopolitics Journal Article (January 6, 2009) - "Are 'Celestials' assisting Humanity in Relations with Extraterrestrial Life?" For PDF version click here (6000 words)
Exopolitics Comment #82 - (December 25, 2008) - An Exopolitics Christmas Message: President-Elect Obama and Change We Can Believe In! (2000 words) Also published in UFO Digest
GalacticDiplomacy.com Interview - (December 3, 2008) - Sacred Encounters at Lake Titicaca - An Interview With Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens (3000 words). Also published in UFO Digest
November 25, 2008 - Obama and the Hero's Journey (2000 words)
Exopolitics Comment #81 - (November 17, 2008) - India's First Moon Mission and the Re-Discovery of Extraterrestrial Artifacts: A Dialogue with Richard C. Hoagland (1200 words). Also published in American Chronicle and OpEdNews
Exopolitics Comment #80 - (October 12, 2008) - Secret United Nations Meetings on Extraterrestrial Life Continue: Threats Used to Prevent Diplomatic Leaks (2800 words). Also published in UFO Digest; American Chronicle and OpEdNews
Exopolitics Comment #79 - (September 11, 2008) - Zero Sunspots: Global Consciousness, Solar Activity and 2012 [2700 words]. Also published in American Chronicle and OpEdNews
Exopolitics Comment #78 - (August 19, 2008) - UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics [1000 words] Also published in American Chronicle and OpEdNews
Exopolitics Comment #77 - (August 5, 2008) - Artistic Recreation of Extraterrestrial Visiting Space Shuttle released by former Space Craft Operator [1100 words] Also published in American Chronicle and UFO Digest
Exopolitics Comment #76 - (July 31, 2008) - Retired NASA Space Craft Operator Witnessed Extraterrestrial in Space Shuttle Mission [700 words] Also published in American Chronicle
Exopolitics Comment #75 - (July 24, 2008) - Was the Secret Service Overruled in the Release of FAA Radar Data on the Stephenville UFO? [800 words] Also published in American Chronicle and OpEdNews
Exopolitics Comment #74 (July 18, 2008) - FAA Release of Radar Data Signals a new 'Openness Policy' on UFOs [1800 words] Also published in UFO Digest and OpEdNews
Exopolitics Journal Article (July 1, 2008) - Exopolitics: Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial life (For PDF version click here [4500 words])
Exopolitics Comment #73 (June 3, 2008) - Further Secret UN Meetings on UFOs/Extraterrestrial Life are occurring according to credible military whistleblower. Also published in OpEdNews & UFO Digest (1600 words)
Exopolitics Comment #72 (June 1, 2008) - Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils: A Response to Richard Boylan (1000 words)
Exopolitics Comment #71 (May 8, 2008) - The Return of the "Sky People", Secret Military Agreements & Using Positive Intention for Extraterrestrial Contact (2500 words)
Exopolitics Comment #70 (March 26, 2008) - Anonymous Source Revealing Secret United Nations Meeting on ETs/UFOs Becomes More Credible. Also published in OpEdNews and UFO Digest (700 words)
Exopolitics Comment #69 (March 7, 2008) - Clarifications on Sources Revealing UN Secret Meetings on UFO's & Extraterrestrial Life Also published in UFO Digest (3000 words).
Exopolitics Comment #68 (March 5/6, 2008) - Secret UN meetings discussing UFOs Chaired by President of the General Assembly Also published in OpEdNews (1100 words)
Exopolitics Comment #67 (March 1, 2008) - French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's. Also published in UFO Digest & OpEdNews (1400 words)
Exopolitics Comment #66 (Feb 20, 2008) - Confirmation & Update on Secret United Nations Meeting Discussing UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life. Also published in UFO Digest & OpEd News (1700 words)
Exopolitics Comment #65 (Feb 13, 2008) - Source at U.N. tells of secret UFO meeting February 12, 2008 Also published in OpEdNews & UFO Digest (1000 words)
OpEdNews (Feb 11, 2008) - Letter Protesting Firing of Reporter Covering UFO Story
Exopolitics Comment #64 (Jan 30, 2008) - Growing Media Interest in UFOs - Is Partial Official Disclosure of UFOs as Classified Antigravity Vehicles Inevitable? Also published in UFO Digest (1000 words)
Exopolitics Comment #63 (Jan 13, 2008) - Asteroid Rendezvous with Mars: The Second Sun and Red Kachina (2000 words])
Exopolitics Journal Article (Jan 6, 2008) - Galactic COINTELPRO: Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against Extraterrestrial Contactees" (For PDF version click here [6000 words])
Exopolitics Comment #62 (November 24, 2007) - Exopolitics: Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial Life. First published in UFO Digest (750 words)
Exopolitics Comment #61 (November 13, 2007) - Is David Rockefeller About to Approve the Release of Suppressed Technologies for Interstellar Space Travel? (900 words)
The Canadian (November 8, 2007) - The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet - The New Pearl Harbor (2700 words) - Full version available at AmericasHeroJourney.com (4900 words )
Exopolitics Comment #60 (November 2, 2007) - Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson & UFOs: The 'other' Alien Question in the 2008 Presidential Election. Also published in OpEdNews.Com (900 words)
OpEd News (October 20, 2007) - "The B-52 Incident – An Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scapegoats and Heroes (1600 words)
Exopolitics Comment #59 (October 19, 2007) Photographic Analysis Confirms that Space Shuttle Columbia was Destroyed by a Plasma Beam Weapon (1300 words)
October 14, 2007 - Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield: Will a Missing Nuke be used in a Simulated Terrorist Attack? - Exopolitics Alert #1
Exopolitics Comment #58 (September 7, 2007) - Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak? An Exopolitical Perspective (2900 words)
Exopolitics Comment #57 (September 4, 2007) - Will the U.S. Attack Iran Before September 21? - Are CIA Front Companies Investing $4.5 Billion to Profit from Attacking Iran? (1500 words)
Exopolitics Comment #56 (August 26, 2007) - Extraterrestrials, Stargate Technology and Dan Burisch: Public Disclosure or Disinformation? (2400 words)
Exopolitics Comment #55 (August 16, 2007) - Will the Cassini Space probe be used as a nuclear trigger to ignite Saturn and terraform its moons for human colonization? (1700 words)
Exopolitics Comment #54 (July 16, 2007) - The Illuminati versus Chinese Secret Societies: Exopolitical Implications of a Covert Global Depopulation Policy & Staged Extraterrestrial Invasion (2000 words)
Exopolitcs Journal Article (July 10, 2007) - The Covert World of UFO Crash Retrievals - An Overview of Personnel Management in Majestic-12 Group Projects (For PDF version click here [5000 words])
Exopolitics Journal Book Review (July 10, 2007) - Rulers of Earth: Secrets of the Sons of God. (For PDF version click here [2200 words])
Exopolitics Comment #53 (July 7, 2007) - The Physics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations: Developing a Typology of Extraterrestrial Activities and Motivations (1250 words)
Exopolitics Comment #52 (July 2, 2007) - 60th Anniversary of the Roswell Crash: Exopoltical Implications of the Walter Haut Affidavit [2200 words]
Exopolitics Comment #51 (June 24-26, 2007) - Did the USA/USSR fly a Secret Joint Mission to the Moon in 1976 to investigate a crashed extraterrestrial mothership? [1200 words]
Exopolitics Comment #50 (June 24, 2007) - Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation to Begin in August, 2008? [900 words]
Exopolitics Comment #49 (June 7, 2007) - Conference Report: Transforming the Earth through Inspiration and Vision [2200 words]
Exopolitics Comment #48 (May 5, 2007) - Scientist Proposes Telepathic Communications in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - [1000 words]
Exopolitcs Journal Article (April 1, 2007) - How the US Government Supressed the World's First Civilian Spacecraft (For PDF version click here [5000 words])
Exopolitics Journal Special Report (April 1, 2007) - Survey on Extraterrestrial Visitation - Public Feedback & Analysis" (For PDF version click here)
Exopolitics Comment #47 (Jan 30, 2007) - Exopolitics and the Human Genome Project - (1700 words)
Exopolitics Comment #46 (Jan 7, 2007) - Israel's Preemptive Nuclear Strike against Iran: An Exopolitical Perspective (1300 words)
Exopolitics Journal Paper (October 1, 2006) - Extraterrestrials Among Us - [For Adobe PDF version click here [5500 words])
Research Study #12 (September 11, 2006) - False Flag Operations, 9-11 and the Exopolitical Perspective - For PDF copy click here (5000 words)
Research Study #11 (August 12, 2006) - Divine Strake vs. Divine Strike - Did Extraterrestrials Deter the Pentagon from a Premptive Nuclear War Against Iran (5000 words)
Exopolitical Comment # 44 (May 5, 2006) - Exopolitics versus Exospin: A Response to Dr Steven Greer (2900 words)
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